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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Internet Download Manager 6.0.6 Beta Build 3 Silent Install

Internet Download Manager... siapa yang gak tau tentang software yang satu ini. hehe
IDM 6.0.6 silent instal.. di sini ane mau share IDM 6.0.6 yang silent instal alias sudah di aktivasi.
jadi gak perlu lagi nyari aktivasi key sana sini... cool kan :-D

Langsung saja cekidot gan.. tested by me:


Semoga bermanfat gan...

Fileserve Premium Link Converter 1.2

Fileserve Premium Link Converter 1.2. Dimana tools kecil ini dapat mengubah link fileserve biasa menjadi premium account. Tentunya download akan menjadi semakin cepat donk. Cara penggunaanya pun lebih mudah bila disandingkan dengan Internet Download Manager.
Screenshot :

Download :Download | Fileserve Premium Link Converter 1.2Tips :Install dulu Internet Download Manager agar prosesnya semakin mudahSetting IDM anda terlebih dahulu :
Download - Option - Ceklist "Automatically start downloading of URL's placed to clipboard" - OKCara Menggunakan :Jalankan FileserveConverterCopy link filerseve ke kolom yang tesediaKlik "Please.. Convert the links" - Tunggu beberapa saatMaka IDM anda akan merespon ketika muncul "Your Links already copied...."Download deh...Catatan :Kadang ada link yang tidak bisa di convert, mungkin karena file sudah dihapus atau mungkin sedang tidak beruntung. Kemungkinan berhasil 90%.Tested 08 Mei 2011 : Working 100%

Semoga Bermanfaat^_^

God father 2 Full Download + Keygen

Year: 2009
Genre: Action / Strategy (Real-time) / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer: EA Redwood Shores
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: PC
Language: English (EN)

Game Godfather 2.. sedikit review gan :
Description: Michael Karleone became the Don of New York, but it is - only the first step to build his own criminal empire. The second part «Godfather» you will get much more power over the illegal business and will be able to back the boundaries of the impact, destroying your competitors and conquer other towns. Thanks to the innovative treatment Don's View, you will feel the powerful leader of a criminal syndicate. Build, protect and expand their own empire, to closely monitor the actions of their enemies, and then the criminal Olympus long remain in your hands.

Godfather II combines the features of first-class fighter, and prudent in detail the strategy. You give orders and make responsible decisions with long-effects and at the same time personally involved in a brutal fight. The rapid chases, thrilling skirmishes, violent fights - all left in the game, but to the grave acts added strategic calculation. This mixture of decisive action and careful planning of smb's head, even the most experienced players.

• Total control. At a global three-dimensional map of the city lies before you as the palm of your hand. Wise to choose the next goal decides who to punish, but to provide protection. Only good planning will help stay on top of the criminal world.
• Living Places. This world does not revolve around you, at least so far. In addition to your family, there are other, sometimes less powerful organizations. They pursue the same goal - to subjugate all the crime in the United States - and will stop at nothing to achieve its goals. Your every action, and often pushes competitors to the omission of a step. In Godfather II, all interconnected as never before!
• Criminal geography. Their superiority to you to prove, not only in New York and Florida, as well as in Cuba. Each region is characterized by a unique distribution of powers, the special conditions, and many smaller exclusive details such as new cars, weapons and clothing.
• Feel gangsters. You are waiting for the shooting, fights and dizzying chase on a busy street.
• Personnel issues. In Godfather II you start a «carrier» is already sitting in the chair, Don, and then, you knows its personnel in the organization. Extend the state, appoints the responsible «employees», looking for professionals and specialists. In the criminal world, every soldier has a specialty: someone knows the sense of explosives, someone knows how to heal the wounded - intelligent enough applicants, it is important to make the right choice. Well, you can always defaulter «dismiss» ...

Download Via Mediafire:
- Godfather 2 | Download LinkSize 6.3GB


Winrar 4 Final Full + Keygen

Inilah WinRAR yang hadir dengan versi terbarunya WinRAR versi 4.00. WinRAR adalah sebuah aplikasi pengompres data dengan banyak fungsi tambahan. Dengan WinRAR kita dapat melakukan kompresi dan merapikan data sehingga akan menciptakan arsip yang lebih kecil dan tertata.
Jadi jika di PC kita banyak terdapat file yang berserakan maka kita bisa menyatukannya dengan program ini dan files yang telah disatukan tersebut secara otomatis akan terkompress ukuran filenya sehingga tentunya akan menghemat ruang pada hardisk di PC kita.

Fitur utama WinRAR adalah kompresi multimedia dan umum yang kuat, kompresi solid, perlindungan arsip dari kerusakan, memproses arsip ZIP dan non-RAR lainnya, scan arsip dari virus, arsip self-extracting yang dapat diprogram (SFX), verifikasi keaslian, mendukung NTFS dan Unicode, enkripsi kuat AES,mendukung arsip multivolume, baris perintah dan antarmuka grafis, fasilitas drag and drop, antarmuka wizard, dukungan theme, panel tree folder, mendukung multithread dan integrasi shell Windows x64. WinRAR menyediakan dukungan penuh terhadap arsip RAR dan ZIP dan mampu meng-unpack dan mengkonversi arsip CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, Z, dan 7-Zip. WinRAR juga tersedia dalam lebih dari 40 bahasa.

Antarmuka WinRAR sangat intuitif sehingga dengan mengarahkan mouse Anda ke salah satu ikon, Anda dapat melihat fungsi dari ikon tersebut dan jika Anda tidak menyukai tampilan candy-coated WinRAR, Anda dapat memilih themes lain yang tersedia di situs developernya.
Panel tree foldernya dapat Anda pergunakan untuk menyaring direktori Anda untuk menemukan file dengan cara yang lebih mudah. Dengan kemampuan WinRAR menghemat ukuran arsip RAR dengan rasio kompresi 8 hingga 15 persen lebih baik dari format ZIP, Anda akan paham kenapa banyak pengguna dan developer beralih dari aplikasi lain ke WinRAR. Kini dengan integrasi scan virus.
Tampilan yang baik dan kemampuan klik kanan untuk kompresi dan unzip dasar, WinRAR menawarkan dukungan unpack untuk sejumlah besar format arsip termasuk TAR, ACE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, dan ZIP. Fitur canggih WinRAR adalah dukungan Unicode untuk format internasional, komentar file yang di-embed, perbaikan arsip yang rusah, penguncian arsip, arsip self-extracting, dan enkripsi yang mudah. Terdapat pula opsi untuk menghapus temporary file dan file just-archived.

Dan jika anda punya ada folder-folder ataupun files penting yang harus dan tidak ingin orang lain membukanya, maka dengan program ini kita bisa memberi sebuah password di folder ataupun files tersebut.

- WinRar 4 | Download Link

- WinRar 4 Key | Download

Semoga bermanfaat.

Free Backtrack 5 Gnome (2011)

Backtrack 5 Gnome (2011) | x86 / x64 | 1.55GB / 1.87GB
As BackTrack 5 development rolls on full steam ahead, we've been getting numerous questions about the future release. We thought we'd publish a blog post with general information about BT5 for the impatient. The codename of this release will be "revolution", for a bunch of reasons.

BackTrack 5 will be based on Ubuntu Lucid (10.04 LTS), and will (finally) support both 32 bit and 64 bit architectures. We will be officially supporting KDE 4, Gnome and Fluxbox while providing users streamlined ISO downloads of each Desktop Environment (DE). Tool integration from our repositories will be seamless with all our supported DE?s, including the specific DE menu structure.
Perhaps most importantly BackTrack 5 ?revolution? will be our first release to include full source code in it?s repositories. This is a big thing for us, as it officially joins us to the open-source community and clears up any licensing issues which were present in BackTrack 4.
The absence of source code availability in BT4 was mainly due to lack of resources when we initially structured the BT4 development environment. Newly armed with our support from Offensive Security, we have now built a *proper* development environment, which allows us to do some pretty awesome things.
Our tool list has completely been revamped and refreshed. Each tool?s functionality was assessed and decided upon before inclusion to BT5. Obviously, we are constantly staying up to date with interesting new tools and are adding them to our repositories when appropriate. In addition, our menu structure has been much optimized ? streamlined with both the PTES and OSSTMM standards. This will make finding and using the right tools much easier.
We are finally able to update our roadmap and pin down a date for the release ? May 10th, 2011. If you have a tool request for a tool that does not already exist in BackTrack, please use this form to request it. This form will be active for 4 weeks.

Download Link:

Buka dah:

32 Bit :

64 Bit :

Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction - 1% Recover Record.

Drivers NVIDIA 266.58

WHQL digital signature for all modern GPU GeForce 266 Build 1958 / Win XP, 7, Vista

The standard builds wood NVIDIA has incorporated and PhysX (25 MB) and NV3DVision (18 MB) and download them with each of the assemblies - is silly. I did repack assemblies, so that people can choose only those files that they need. All assemblies weighing more than 100 megabytes in distributing more than 1500 files, because releases from the large number of files (over a thousand) are packed into the archive, with the addition of information for recovery. All components in separate archives (drivers, utilities)
1) Select the assembly for their system and extract the disk.
2) Copy the folder with the unpacked assembly from the archives of PhysX, HDAudio NV3DVision and missing files
3) Run the installation setup.exe and follow the instructions. Recommend choosing not automatic, and custom "clean install".
PhysX and HDAudio suitable for all above assemblies, so it's not worth it to rock with each of them. NV3DVision needed only for Win7 / Vista 32/64 bit.

Added HD Audio Driver version
• Added PhysX System Software version 9.10.0514.
• Support of new Adobe CS5 GPU-accelerated.
• Support for GPU-acceleration enables smooth playback of HD video in Adobe Flash 10.1.
• Support for new versions of software to improve video quality from MotionDSP, vReveal, providing support for HD output.
• Support OpenCL 1.0 (Open Computing Language) in all series of GPUs the GeForce 8 and higher.
• Support for OpenGL 3.3 in a series of GPUs the GeForce 8 and higher.
• Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI technology on SLI-certified motherboards based on Intel X58 with support for DirectX 9, DirectX 10, DirectX 11 and OpenGL, including 3-way SLI, Quad SLI and SLI.
• Supports GPU overclocking and temperature monitoring by system software NVIDIA.
• Windows Vista and Windows 7: Quad SLI technology with GeForce 9800 GX2 or GeForce GTX 295, technology 3-way SLI, Hybrid SLI and SLI support for multiple monitors.

System requirements:
Win XP (32/64 bit), Win7 (32/64 bit), Win Vista (32/64 bit), GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 200, 300, 400, ION Series

Buka dah:




Hot File Premium Link Generator V1.4

Jika anda penggemar download software2 di internet.. tentu tidak asing lagi dengan namanya HOTFILE.
Untuk mendownload di sana memang tidak perlu menggunakan akun premium, tetapi perbedaan speed download FREE vs PREMIUM jauh berbeda.. nah untuk itu kali ini saya ingin share tentang Hotfile Premium generator.. cara kerja software ini adalah menggenerate sebuah link download di situs hotfile yang biasanya saat anda mendownload, maka anda akan di bawa pada kecepatan download free alias tidak mendaftar alias biasa2 aja alias au ah gelap :-P. Nah cara kerja hotfile gen ini adalah menggenerate sebuah link download free menjadi link download premium.. full speed gan. cukup mempastekan link download yang ada lalu klik generate, maka otomatis software ini akan merubah link agan tadi menjadi link download premium.

Hotfile premium generator v1.4 | Link Download